Sunshine & Smiles

Sunshine & Smiles (orig. published 7.7.11)

Summer is finally here - hooray!

Thank God for sunshine, blue skies, the laughter of children and the cool breeze from the lake. In summer, the song sings itself.

We have been busy making the most of our summer vacation so far. We have been enjoying our boat quite a lot and the Tiny's are finally warming up to it. Rather, I should say, the tiny named Cayleigh is starting to enjoy it. Captain Colson has always enjoyed being on the boat. The feeling of the wind in his face, and the speed we achieve really elicits the sort of happiness you can see all around him. Someone build me a boat with a joystick and you've got yourself the world's first four year old captain. This, I promise you.

Speaking of joysticks, the Tiny's visited the WIR raceway a few weeks back. Someone also build me a race car with a joystick and you'll have the world's first four year old race car driver. This, I also promise you. I'm certain he's more than capable. He's already dreaming of alternative ways to water the plants other than using just rain. Because you know, rain is an inconvenience to his play time outside.

My Colson has big dreams for his tiny life. Today, he wants to be a space astronaut. Yesterday? A rocket scientist. Tomorrow? We shall see.

Meanwhile, Cayleigh uttered her very first full complete four word sentence this weekend. Those of you who know her won't be surprised one tiny bit at what she said. What was her first sentence? "I not a loony!". Hah!! We were snuggling in bed Saturday morning and I was tickling her and calling her a loony (she is after all, a complete lunatic). And she retaliated by giggling and saying "I not a loony!" mixed in with a few "Mommy loony!". Love that tiny little girl so much!

She will be TWO on July 20th. Amazing. I truly feel like the luckiest person in the world. I'm certain I have been blessed with the most amazing children I could ever even dream up. If there is magic in this world, it is contained in the smiles of my children. I love that I get to be a part of their tiny little lives every single day.

Much love.



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