
FOUR (orig. published 5.23.11)

Somehow my Colson turned 4. Just like that. May 21, 2011 came out of nowhere.

I look back on these four years and am amazed at how fast they went. I look forward four years and am amazed how far away that seems. In just the four fast years that passed by, the next four will put my baby boy at 8 years old.

He's just as amazing as ever. He was born in a flash and was immediately ornary with the world and let us all know about it. He's still just as determined to do things his way, and he's still as cute and funny and kind as he's always been. Four years ago I never knew quite the direction my life was going to take when he was born. I never anticipated the life lessons he would teach me. I never anticipated the amazing people I have met because of him.

I swear he was trying to have conversations with us from birth. Serious, beyond his age conversations. He just couldn't find the words. He found them at 18 months old and hasn't stopped talking since. He could spell his name by 22 months, knew all his shapes, colors, letters and numbers and was speaking 7 word sentences by 26 months old. At the new age of 4 he is learning math, science and social studies. He's intentionally watching the news to learn about world events. He is wise beyond his years and he simply amazes me every day.

This past year brought us so many new things. He started using BOTH of his hands at the same time! Thanks to the Wii. He learned to count to 100 and to write his name using his own special grip. He started SCHOOL!  He cheered his sister on when she was learning to walk instead of being upset that she was and he wasn't. He learned to tell jokes and even make some up! And in August, he received the best gift of all, MOBILITY,when his power chair arrived.  He made his first friends, and had his first ever races at the play ground.

He has a gentle sensitive tender, yet determined soul. He usually turns around a "can't" into a "can" all on his own and shows all of us how HE does things. Everyone loves his "car" and he melted the hearts of everyone at the hardware store last weekend when he kept darting out into the rain to play in the garden center. Just like any other little boy would. He was soaking wet by the time we left, but that's ok, I'm thankful he has the ability to dart out into the rain like any other little boy. I'm thankful that he's so positive and I'm thankful for his natural ability to figure out how to do things his own way. After all, I can use my arms and legs, how am I supposed to know the best way for him to do things when he can't? Turns out, I don't need to know. He teaches me. And we help him take it to the next level and succeed even further. He has turned his whole family into engineers as we continously troubleshoot his needs and create new and advanced things for him. Velcro, rubber kitchen mats, bungee cords, and bike mirrors really work wonders let me tell you!

I have the most amazing son anyone could ever ask for, I love him so much and I look forward to all the next 4 years and 4 more years and 4 more years..... that life has in store for us.

Can't wait to see what you decide to do this year my child, love you so much Colson - Love, Mommy

Opening presents!

Some Star Wars action figures from his sister Cayleigh :)

Whoa Daddy! Hah. Blowing out his candles!

Racing cars at Chucky Cheese!

Jet Rider experience. Cayleigh was terrified and held onto her brother's hand the whole time! Awe!

Some Jet Rider with his cousin Alexis! 

Finally a nice day! Playing in the sprinkler - plastic bags over his casts and over the electronics on his chair.

Cayleigh watching from afar. "Told" she says of the water.

This is how Cayleigh does a cartwheel!! Hah!

Being cute and certainly not getting wet in the sprinkler!

Colson really loves running through the water!

She's cute and she totally knows it too!

 Much love.



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