Five Weeks and One Day

Five Weeks and One Day (orig. published 4.20.11)

It feels so amazing to be home! My apologies for not writing the past couple days. Our homecoming was wonderful on Monday. I know a lot of you are wondering how it went with Cayleigh, and let me tell you, I have never in my life seen her run so fast as she did when I walked in the door at Gramma and Papa's. She squealed with delight and ran as fast as her tiny little legs would take her and she leaped into my arms. Moments later when Daddy and Colson came in, she did the same thing. What a welcome home! So happy to be with my tiny sunshine again!

On the way to the airport, I was sitting in the backseat with Colson, and I told him I had a really nice day earlier in the week when we all just hung out and went to the aquarium together. Colson looked at me and said "Yeah Mommy, that was fun, but it would have been more fun if Cayleigh was with us". (I can't make this stuff up!). Melted my heart right there on the spot. He missed his tiny sister so much all week!

So excited to get home and see his sister!

TSA check point was amazingly smooth. Philadelphia agents were wonderful. I asked them to please not touch his thighs, and they complied. They patted him down ever so gently, and made him smile the whole time. He got a badge sticker and was so proud to be a "Junior TSA Agent". He had a bit of a rough flight though - it was delayed by an hour and we had only medicated him in anticipation of an on-time flight (note to self, be more prepared in the future!). The special car seat hurt his severely bruised thighs and he was miserable for the last 45 minutes or so of the flight. He pretty much broke the hearts of all 55 people on board. He tried to suffer in silence, moaning and letting the tears fall all while stoically looking out the window or at us and trying to smile through the tears and the pain. Telling us how much he hurt every so often. My poor sweet boy had me in tears by the time we got off the plane. He was trying to be so strong through his pain. Admirable for a tiny 3 year old. I just wanted to help him and there was nothing I could do but hold his hand.

Trying to sleep through the pain.

When Cayleigh finally saw her brother, she was immediately worried. She heard his moans of discomfort as they transported him into the house, and she saw his casts. Her smile turned to a frown and she whimpered in concern for him. She crawled into my lap and pouted and cried when he did. When she realized he was OK after he was settled, she was thrilled again. She wanted to climb all over him and give him kisses. She showed him her new puppy and tried to read him books. There is nothing more beautiful than watching my tiny children together and witnessing how much they love each other in moments like these.

Missed her big brother!

She crawled up and covered herself up - she wanted to be just like Colson! He loved the company!

 Yesterday, after work, I was down on the floor playing with Cayleigh and Colson was on the couch watching cartoons. I heard a tiny little voice "Mommy? I feel sad." Colson said. Why do you feel sad I asked? "Because I want to come down on the floor and play with you and Tay-leigh, but I can't because my casts hurt when I sit up straight and try to play. My casts make me sad". Cue the tears, and Mama here rushed up to him and gave him hugs. He asked how many days were left until they come off. Five weeks and one day Colson. Five weeks and one day.

My casts make me feel sad :-(

We often take for granted the very things that deserve our gratitude. Be ever hopeful for tomorrow, and be grateful no matter what your situation. Gratitude nurtures the soul. I am forever thankful for this amazingly blessed life that has been given to me despite the challenges we face every day. There is no mountain we cannot climb, as long as we climb it together. Five weeks and one day till your casts come off Colson. Five weeks and one day.

Much love.



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