Colson in Space & Miracle League!

Colson in Space & Miracle League! (orig. published 6.9.11)

What a wonderful weekend we just had! We had Opening Day of the Miracle League - Colson's first team sport! We had a little celebration and met his buddy, Jessica who is wonderful, and we met all the other teams. It's going to be a wonderful summer!

Sunday we celebrated Colson's 4th birthday with a space theme. I don't have much to talk about, so I'll share the weekend through photos with you all.

Much love.


Having fun on the baseball field

Colson and his buddy Jessica

Colson and his ladies hehe

They have an accessible playground! Colson's 1st time on playground equipment!

Driving the ship on the playground. We kept running out of gas.

Colson turns 4!

Cayleigh having fun with Nana

Gramma GG and new baby Madison

Isaac and Frankie

Space cake! Thanks to Beth C. for the AMAZING cake!

Tiny astronaut!

Ok. There's a shark on the moon. Colson decided he wanted a shark cake after we visited the aquarium in PA. I told him I had already ordered his cake and it was too late. And he informed me that "Well Mommy, maybe there are sharks on the moon!" - So, I guess there is :-)

Cute little space cupcakes

Orange Alien! Orange is his favorite color!

A model of the planets for his birthday!

Some toy story figures - perfect sized for Colson!

Auntie Nanny got Colson a microscope! He loves science! She even captured a huge bumblebee for him to look at under there!

Sweet sweet sunshine girl!

Cayleigh loves her Papa!

Sunshine girl

The Tabbert Family (Colson is the orange balloon speeding away hehe)


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