Brand New Legs

Brand New Legs (orig. published 6.3.11)

Has it been 6 weeks already? Actually, it's been 7 now.

Can you believe it? Colson's casts are OFF!! This was the fastest 6 weeks of my life. Hopefully it was the fastest of Colson's as well.

He's thrilled that they are off. They have been off for exactly one week now and he's come so far in just one week already. His legs are incredibly weak and very sensitive. He has to move in a different way. He no longer can lift his legs when I change his diaper (for you non-AMC-ers, yes, he's still in a diaper, it's a nerve/feeling issue). EVERYTIME we go to pick him up he makes sure to warn us to "pick me up carefully Mommy" and then, if we were successful in being careful he praises us on our careful ability-ness. "Good job Mommy, you were very careful with me" he will say. Thank you my son. They met other AMC'ers in Philadephia last week, including seeing the wonderful walking encylopedia Tracey Shalk, and my apologies Tracey, I cannot find my camera cord and the pictures with you were saved to the camera memory. I will share them with you soon! He finally rolled again yesterday though, that was so wonderful! I'm certain he will be back to playing with Cayleigh in his own way sooner than I anticipated. He is very afraid of his legs though, when we move him he will hold his breath and you can feel his nervousness as he is transported. I forgot how light he was now that the casts are off. He did not do any weight bearing while in the casts as we never managed to hear from Shriner's about how his 3 week x-rays looked. I look at his tiny little atrophied legs and have no idea how he's ever going to be able to put any weight on them. I understand that that was the point of the surgery, but I honestly can't see how it's going to happen. PT is once a week and we'll work on it! We'll get him there! He was fitted for KAFO's (knee ankle foot orthotics) and Daddy and Colson will go pick them up and spend a weekend in July in Philadelphia again. That *should* be the last visit for a few months hopefully. The KAFO's should also help him weight bear and begin standing as well. I will be sure to keep you all posted.

School is officially out for the summer and the weather is finally warming up. Colson's surgery couldn't have happened at a better time (I mean, if there really is ever a "good" time for surgery that is...). His casts are off just in time for him to enjoy the summer. Just in time for baseball (Miracle League Opening Day is tomorrow!). Just in time to stay cool wearing shorts and running through the sprinklers.

He is going to Affinity for physical therapy while school is out for the summer. His PT is wonderful, his 1st session was yesterday and he couldn't stop telling me all about it. "She had lots of toys Mommy! Like THIS many (holds arms out as wide as they can go). And she had a big slide (flings arm up high) and a little slide like this (lowers arm) just for Tay-leigh and I didn't go down the slide because by that time my legs were just TOO tired but I think I will go down the slide next time I see her. What was her name again? I just forget her name." Hah. :-)

In Cayleigh news - she used the potty!! Yay!! She said she had to go so Daddy told her to go to the bathroom and off she went! She's also been speaking up a storm all of a sudden. During supper at the restaurant the other night she was saying "More noo-noo's peas Mommy?!" (More noodles please Mommy?!) She's learning her colors right now and understanding the sequence to reading books and she will sit and read a book and repeat in Cayleigh-speak the words the same way I read them. So cute!

Be sure and watch for the post about Colson's first baseball game and his 4th birthday party, both happening this weekend!

Much love.


First ever field trip! At Mulberry Farms.

Cayleigh tagged along on the field trip and of course, loved the kittys.

Hitchin' a ride!

Loading himself into the van!

On the plane to Philly - about to get his casts off yay!

Some iPad air hockey with a new friend at Shriner's :-)

Being silly waiting to get his casts off.

Ah! Look at those legs!!!!!!!

We heart you Dr. VB! Thank you!!!!


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