A lesson in Orthopedics

A Lesson in Orthopedics (orig. published 4.16.11)

It just occurred to me that some of you non-AMCers might not know what Colson's recent surgery is exactly. Well. Allow me to explain.

Bilateral Proximal Femoral Reorientation Ostetomy Surgery.

Bilateral = Both

Proximal = Close to the body

Femoral = His femor bone

Reorientation = Reorientation (hah)

Osteotomy = Bone cuts

Surgery = Surgery (hah)

Colson had mild hip dysplasia and therefore his legs in a resting position fell out to the side. The angle of his femor bone in his hip socket was a different degree than what a non-affected persons would be.

The sugery is typically 2-4 hours, and the surgeon, in our case, Dr. Van Bosse, begins by making an incision on the outside of his hip, and then lifts up a portion of the quadricep muscle to access the femor underneath. He then made cuts through the femor bones, readapted them and secured them with an L shaped metal plate and screws.

A long leg cast has been placed on his leg with a derotation spreader bar between. The cast will remain on for approximately 6 weeks. X-rays will be taken at 3 weeks and if the bones are healing well we can begin weight bearing using the casts to support to him.

Long leg casts with spreader bar

Side view

Incision site is visible - bruising is visible and expected from surgery

Metal plate and pins can come out after 12 months and are usually done in a corresponding procedure. In Colson's case, they will most likely be removed at the time he undergoes the knee surgery which will require the external fixator.

I hope you all found this to be educational, please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or anything..

I'll post again at the end of today to let you know how Colson is doing today - day 3 after the operation.

Much love.



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